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спомняте ли си акзуса за следователи, даден на изпита през 2004г. ?
ето няколко теми да си припомните:
http://lex.bg/phorum/viewtopic.php?t=40 ... B%F4%EE%ED
http://lex.bg/phorum/viewtopic.php?t=46 ... B%F4%EE%ED
А, ето как висчко това приключи:
Vasilev and Others v. Bulgaria (no. 61257/00)
The four applicants, Dimitar Nikolaev Vasilev, Asen Veselinov Sharlandzhiev, Georgi Antonov Lefterov and Mihail Antonov Lefterov, are Bulgarian applicants who were born in 1974, 1972, 1972 and 1977 respectively and live in (Bulgaria).
Relying on Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair trial within a reasonable time), they complained about the excessive length of the criminal proceedings brought against them for aggravated robbery.
The Court noted that the disputed proceedings had lasted six years and nine months in the case of Dimitar Nikolaev Vasilev and seven years and four months for the three other applicants. In particular, the Court examined whether the applicants had lost their status as victims of the alleged violation on account of the fact that, following the use of a remedy provided for in Article 239a of the previous Code of Criminal Procedure, introduced in 2003 for the purpose of limiting excessive durations in criminal investigations, the proceedings against them had been abandoned. The Court accepted that the domestic courts had recognised in their decisions that the proceedings had been excessively long. However, given the major delays that had already taken place before the introduction of the remedy in question, it considered that the closing of the criminal proceedings had not constituted sufficient compensation for the applicants’ complaint. The Court therefore held that the applicants could still claim to be victims of the alleged violation and concluded, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 6 § 1. It awarded the applicants EUR 6,000 jointly for non-pecuniary damage and EUR 600 for costs and expenses. (The judgment is available only in French.)

спомняте ли си акзуса за следователи, даден на изпита през 2004г. ?
ето няколко теми да си припомните:
http://lex.bg/phorum/viewtopic.php?t=40 ... B%F4%EE%ED
http://lex.bg/phorum/viewtopic.php?t=46 ... B%F4%EE%ED
А, ето как висчко това приключи:
Vasilev and Others v. Bulgaria (no. 61257/00)
The four applicants, Dimitar Nikolaev Vasilev, Asen Veselinov Sharlandzhiev, Georgi Antonov Lefterov and Mihail Antonov Lefterov, are Bulgarian applicants who were born in 1974, 1972, 1972 and 1977 respectively and live in (Bulgaria).
Relying on Article 6 § 1 (right to a fair trial within a reasonable time), they complained about the excessive length of the criminal proceedings brought against them for aggravated robbery.
The Court noted that the disputed proceedings had lasted six years and nine months in the case of Dimitar Nikolaev Vasilev and seven years and four months for the three other applicants. In particular, the Court examined whether the applicants had lost their status as victims of the alleged violation on account of the fact that, following the use of a remedy provided for in Article 239a of the previous Code of Criminal Procedure, introduced in 2003 for the purpose of limiting excessive durations in criminal investigations, the proceedings against them had been abandoned. The Court accepted that the domestic courts had recognised in their decisions that the proceedings had been excessively long. However, given the major delays that had already taken place before the introduction of the remedy in question, it considered that the closing of the criminal proceedings had not constituted sufficient compensation for the applicants’ complaint. The Court therefore held that the applicants could still claim to be victims of the alleged violation and concluded, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 6 § 1. It awarded the applicants EUR 6,000 jointly for non-pecuniary damage and EUR 600 for costs and expenses. (The judgment is available only in French.)